Friday, 21 July 2017

Term 3

Hello everyone

I am looking forward to your return to room 2 on Monday.  We have some wonderful learning prepared for the children.  There are 5 new children joining us in Room 2 this term.  4 children are coming from Room 1 and Yanna is from the Philippines.  Ysabella and Juriz are leaving us to move into Room 5.  However as we are now working so closely with Room 5, Ysabell aand Juriz will be moving in and out of the classoom to join us.  I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and managed to stay warm.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Baxter the Bunny

Miss Carr brought her pet bunny rabbit in to visit us today.  We had a lovely time saying hello to Baxter the bunny and patting him.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Birds, plants and insects

Mrs French taught the children about birds, Miss Duncan taught children about trees and plants and Miss Carr taught children about insects.  Photos of us presenting our work to the rest of the junior school.

Scientist for a day

Photos of us being a scientist for a day.  We worked on 8, yes 8, different experiments throughout the day and had a wonderful time while doing so.  In these photos, children are making music by filling glasses with water to different levels and hitting the sides of the glasses.