Thursday, 13 April 2017

Last Day of Term 1

The day started with a visit from Black Sticks hockey player Amelia Gibson.  Amelia talked to us about how much she enjoys reading, some of the books she has read and how important it is for us to read.  We then finished off making our Easter eggs that we started making with the children from Room 1.

After lunch the school presented the Easter Liturgy to parents, other family members and friends. The part of the Easter story we showed was Palm Sunday.  There are also some pictures of the Last Supper.

We also farewelled Tieri, our lovely friend and classmate who is leaving to live in Canberra, Australia.  We wish Tieri and her family all the very best in their new home.


  1. Lovely photos of a lovely day. Thanks Miss Duncan!

  2. Oh!!! So happy to see all this photos !! I couldn't be there so this is precious !!! Thanks miss Duncan !
